Jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger
Jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger

jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger

You must create ranger stations, security cameras, avoidance beacons, sentry turrets, veterinarian offices, and concrete moats to keep your dinosaurs out of trouble. Consult your Dinopedia to find out which fences are reccommended for each dinosaur.īut even after you've done all this, you're not out of the clear yet. Furthermore, your marine reptiles require large tanks in which to swim about, and pterosaurs require large aviary structures to prevent them from simply flying off your island. Meanwhile, a small or weak dinosaur contained by a fence that is too strong may be killed or seriously injured upon contact with it. Some dinosaurs are larger and stronger than others, and can bash straight through weak fences. These enclosures must be large enought to sustain a proper ecosystem, and you must be very careful with which fences you choose.

jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger

If there is not already a river running through your dinosaur's enclosure, you must create one. Regardless of whether a dinosaur is a leaf-muncher or a bone-cruncher, it will always need a source of fresh water to drink from. Speaking of predators, they must be given feeding stations where they can hunt live cows, goats, sheep, or pigs. Herbivores require trees to eat, and the smaller, more timid specimens also use trees to hide from bloodthirsty predators. You must place food and water sources for these dinosaurs. Just like visitors, dinosaurs also have needs and limits, which if denied can often have far more serious consequences than visitor needs. This interactive microphone can also be used to consult with your fellow park staff, who will keep you updated on both the positive and negative events currently taking place in your park. Meanwhile, every guest has a favourite dinosaur, food item, or souvenir that they would like to see in your park, which you can also find out with the mike feature. Different types of visitors have different entertainment preferences.

jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger

If you are convinced that your guests are feeling the least bit dissatisfied with your park, you can even use the new microphone feature to chat and interact with them while finding out what they would prefer to witness in your park. Of course, you must also supply your visitors with basic amenities such as food stands, restrooms, and rest areas. Your guests are ensured to receive a good view of your wonderful animals through one of the many varieties of viewing platforms and tours available, such as the Park Drive, Jungle River Cruise, and Underwater Observation Dome. By uncovering and extracting dinosaur DNA from some of the richest fossil sites around the globe, you can eventually clone new dinosaurs, not to mention improve the genomes of your existing species. Nearly copious research on the latest dinosaur findings and discoveries has been included to make your park's star attractions look and behave as realistically as possible.

jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger

This remarkable game even includes more than 140 species of dinosaurs and many other prehistoric creatures to choose from for display in your park, from the meek Compsognathus to the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex and Spinosaurus to the flying Pteranodon. You can also control the prices for check-ins, room service, and more! Furthermore, you can equip your hotel's rooms with kitchen, bed, and bathroom amenities as well as such extra accessories as park maps and guides to hang on the walls and brochures that can be placed on the nightstands to let your visitors know about all the fun they'll be having in your park. Well what if I told you that you can now build four-story hotels to accomodate your guests during your park's Night phases. But that's not all, now your park goes through a cycle of four distinct times of day: Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Night. The new vastly-improved graphics now allow you to literally see the saliva drooling from your T.rex's mouth, the frown on your unhappy guest's lips, and the sunlight glinting down on the leaves of the palm trees. With JPOG 2's endless array of brand new features, yet still with the simple easy-to-use interface you all have come to love, now you can truly create the Jurassic Park of your dreams. If you liked playing Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, then you'll LOVE building your ultimate park with Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 2.

Jurassic park operation genesis 2 télécharger